podcasts of alchemy
Need something to listen to? We've got you covered. News, updates, industry analysis, and even more. Get ideas for your next adventure or simply hear about the ones we've got lined up for you to join us on.

Masters of alchemy:
The Podcast

Masters of the Alchemy: the Podcast is your one-stop shop for all the tabletop RPG news you didn't know you needed. Our awesome hosts Danny, Aaron, and Erin dive into the week's news as well as telling you what's going on with Masters of Alchemy events across Melbourne.

Ever wonder where your favourite game master gets their ideas from? Or are you starting out and looking for ways to make your game or character memorable to the rest of the table? Inspiration for an RPG story is everywhere if you look, but the best places are the stories you can get every day from television and movies. Here is a podcast that re-watches and analyses favourite TV shows and discusses how to make them into RPG adventures.
D&D & TV